Monday, April 20, 2009

Family Day KUIS

Hari minggu kami ke D'village resort melaka sempena family day KUIS. Alhamdulillah aziz tak demam, cuma selsema dan....huhuuuuu sedih his little hand terkena seterika. I didn't notice that he climed up the bed where i left the hot iron, it just a moment when I left to hang my tudung and all of sudden aziz cried out loudly, oh my God terus aku peluk aziz... dalam panic tu tak tau pula aku sepatutnya siram the burning hand di paip air agar tak banyak burningnya. Ya Allah kesal sgt kerana aku tak duga aziz dah boleh panjat katil dgn cepat hingga blh mencapai seterika panas tu. Tapi alhamdulillah it's not too serious, aku dah sapu burnol cream, hopefully his right hand recovers soon and it doesn't leave ugly burnig-scar. Ummi so sorry ye aziz...

Overall, we enjoyed the family day, especially aziz seemed to be very happy and exited to walk and crawls around at the lake side. InsyaAllah I'm trying my best to have time taking aziz to the lake garden every weekends. It's so fulfilling to see my boy smiling and playing happily.

Babah pula lucu sekali, dah prepare nak swimming at swimming pool, hahaaaa rupa2nya the pool is for children only...jadi babah hanya menemani aziz main air:] hmmm best tgk anak2 main air teringat aku zaman kecik2 dulu dgn zura, my eldest bro and sabri kami terjun ke dlm kolah surau rumah zura :) ye kat kampung manelah ada swimming pool, parit pool adelah ;]

and today aku kena start buat final term paper yang last lagi satu ni... Mudah2an idea mencurah2 utk menulis, dan siapkannya cepat:)