Tuesday, May 26, 2009


aku terbaca sebuah quotation "the secret of finding peace is to go with the flow of life rather than against it". bila fikiran ku kosong dari memikirkan apa2 aku rasa bebas lepas dan rehat...tapi tak blh biar lama2 mcm tu kerana jd error pula. dlm cuti sem ni aku blm baca buku lagi, ya Allah rasa tak patut sangat...something that i love to do is reading and sitting alone in the library, kat situ aku rasa i'm at peace. dan bila sedih serta lost direction the best thing to do is talk to Him, ask His Love, Mercy and Guidance...and He always listens and gives me strength to go on... and mother, my best friend who always touched my heart with her soft advices and love...yes i need to see her and seek spiritual words from her.
Mudah2an my passion to study come back soon!